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Flights to Costa Rica from Toronto

Flights to Costa Rica from Toronto

If you're looking to escape the Canadian winter and are dreaming of sandy beaches and lush rainforests, Costa Rica may just be the perfect destination for you. And now, flying there has never been easier. With direct flights from Toronto to San José, the capital of Costa Rica, you can be relaxing on the beach in just a matter of hours. No transfers, no layovers, just smooth flying all the way there. And once you arrive, get ready to be captivated by the stunning natural beauty and vibrant culture of this Central American gem. So what are you waiting for? Book your direct flight to Costa Rica from Toronto today and start planning your tropical getaway. How do I change an existing reservation? You can email us to request a change to an existing reservation at Please mention your name and confirmation number in the email. You can also contact us at 1-855-606-0606.


Frequently Asked Questions

See below for frequently asked questions.

What is the most popular airline that flies from Toronto to Costa Rica?

Air Canada is the most popular airline that flies from Toronto to Costa Rica.

I have to cancel my flights. Can my tickets be refunded?

Most discounted airline tickets are non-refundable. The tickets we provide are the most economical but come with this restriction.

What fee is charged for changing my airline ticket?

If your booking is eligible for cancellation, it may be subject to an airline cancellation fee of up to $250 CAD per passenger. For more information, please contact us at 1-855-606-0606.

Which airlines offer direct flights from Toronto to Costa Rica?

Air Canada, and Air Transat offer direct flights from Toronto to Costa Rica.

Can I book my flight from Toronto to Costa Rica and pay later?

Yes! Trip Support offers a Book Now Pay Later system, where payments can be made in installments before clients’ vacations and flights. Uniquely, we offer this approach without the need for credit checks and extra boring, time-consuming documentation. We believe that people should be able to travel regardless of their credit score.

How long is the flight from toronto to costa rica?

The flight from Toronto to Costa Rica's two main airports, San Jose and Liberia, typically takes around 5-6 hours, depending on the airline and route you choose. While this may seem like a bit of a trek, think of it as an opportunity to curl up with a good book, enjoy some uninterrupted sleep, or maybe even brush up on your Spanish in preparation for your arrival.

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