Easy & Fast Booking

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Easy & Fast Booking

Search, compare and book your tickets at the lowest fares.

Easy & Fast Booking

Search, compare and book your tickets at the lowest fares.

Flights Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

All flight prices on the Trip Support website include applicable taxes and fees. Any exceptions to this are optional fees like checked baggage or airlines that charge for seat selection, pet accommodations, etc. These types of add-ons will have to be arranged separately with your airline.

Nope. You’ll have to check out our Airline Fees page to see if your airline charges extra for checked bags or carry-ons.

If you want to pay for someone else’s flight, you can absolutely do that. However, you’ll need to make sure that when you enter passenger details, the name you put on the ticket matches the traveler’s ID exactly. Also, be aware that many airlines charge a substantial change fee if any information needs to be edited after the ticket has been booked.

Infants under the age of 24 months, traveling within the United States travel at no charge as long as they are seated on an adult’s (over 18 years) lap. Only one infant is allowed to travel as a lap child per adult (over 18 years). Infants traveling internationally will be required to pay a percentage of the adult fare (in most circumstances), plus taxes, and carry an e-ticket even though traveling on the adult’s lap. Please contact our Customer Service team at 855-606-0606 for further assistance.

Trip Support can search and book flights for a maximum of nine passengers at a time. That said, Trip Support can still help you locate the best itineraries for your group. We suggest you find the flight you wish to purchase by completing a search at www.tripsupport.ca or www.tripsupport.com, and then you can contact us via phone or email to discuss your group travel. For bookings with 10 or more passengers, we may need to contact the airline to request a group booking.

Airfares can change minute by minute based on demand and availability. Between your flight search and actual booking, seat inventory in a particular booking class (fare) may sell out. Airlines then their available inventory at a higher price: “We monitor these changes closely and make every effort to keep inventory and fares in our displays as current as possible.

Most airlines now charge for in-flight meals or no longer offer a meal service. You have an option to place a meal request when you purchase tickets online, or you can call the airline directly. Special meal requests must be made at least 24-hours before the scheduled departure. These requests are not guaranteed and are at the discretion of the airline.

As flights fill up throughout the day, the airline’s fares change frequently. Yes, we can quote airfares via email. Fares are not guaranteed until ticketed. You may also contact our Customer Service team at 855-606-0606 for further assistance.

You can request seat assignments at the time of booking. You may also contact our Customer Service team at 855-606-0606 for further assistance.

Although we pass your seating request to the respective airlines (wherever applicable), we cannot guarantee that the request will be honored.

Please note:

  • Some airlines now charge for seat assignments, and many airlines restrict the pre-assigning of seats. Some airlines may only assign seats 90 days before the flight departure.
  • Bulkhead and emergency exit row seating are controlled by the airline and cannot be pre-assigned. These seats may be blocked by the airlines and held for check-in at the airport on the departure day.

Please click here for a list of airline phone numbers.

If the name printed on my boarding pass is different than what appears on my government ID, will I still be able to fly?

The name you provide when booking your travel should be the same as in your boarding pass. You should ensure that the name provided when booking your trip matches the government ID that you will use when traveling.
Due to the difference in boarding pass systems, boarding passes may not always display the exact name you provided when booking your travel. Differences such as the use of a middle initial instead of a full middle name or no middle name/initial at all, hyphens or apostrophes) should not cause a problem for the passenger.

Trip Support Customer Support is available 24/7 to help you with your existing booking, exchanges, or refunds.

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Trip Support Customer Support is available 24/7 to help you with your existing booking, exchanges, or refunds.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Passport and Visa

General Questions

Our Offices Locations:

Canada Office: 7163 Yonge st Unit 134, Thornhill ON. L3T 0C6

Tel: 416 444 3750

Toll Free: 1-855-606-0606

USA Office : 4667 MacArthur Blvd Suite 340, Newport Beach , CA 92660

Tel: 949 490 5665

Toll Free: 1-833-606-0606

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Need any help for your trip? Feel free to write to us at info@tripsupport.com

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