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Cheap Flights to Baie-Comeau (YBC)

About Baie-Comeau

Baie-Comeau, in Hauterive, is an airport within Quebec that does not fly internationally, but it flies to several destinations within the Quebec province. When it comes to Quebec, Baie-Comeau Airport (YBC) is a convenient option for affordable flights when you need to travel around this province. A few facts about Baie-Comeau itself include that it is an eastern city located on the Saint Lawrence River, it is about 420 kilometres northeast of Quebec City, and the YBC airport branch location is only a short drive outside of the main city of Baie-Comeau. The Baie-Comeau Airport does happen to be the best airport that flies out of this region, and there are no other airports within such a close proximity to Baie-Comeau. The airlines that fly out of Baie-Comeau Airport include Air Liaison, Air Canada, and Pascan Aviation. With Trip Support, travellers may utilize the convenient Book Now Pay Later option on our site for easy and cheap flight options. Book Now Pay Later allows flyers to put a deposit down on their desired flight while the price is still low so that they do not run into the trouble of sudden price jumps on the flight they wanted to book.


Frequently Asked Questions

See below for frequently asked questions.

When is the cheapest time to fly from Baie?

You can always find a cheap flight from Baie by checking the airlines for great deals. Usually, public holidays including Easter, Christmas and New Year are peak times and you can expect to pay more for a flight. Just before or after the school holidays, you can find some bargains for cheap flights from Baie.

What is the most popular airline that flies out of Baie?

Air Liaison and Pascan Aviation are the most popular airlines flying out of Baie. You can book an early morning flight, early afternoon flight or late afternoon flight to various destinations from Baie. There aren't any evening flights currently flying out of Baie-Comeau Airport in Quebec.

Can I book my flight from Baie and pay later?

Yes! Using our flexible Book Now, Pay Later option, you can book your flight from Baie and pay later. You can buy the air ticket by putting down a small deposit to secure the services and pay the balance in instalments. Flexibility and savings are just some of the benefits of flying with Trip Support.

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